The Ottawa PC Users’ Group is a self-help group of computer enthusiasts that has been in operation since 1982. One of the activities of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group is a monthly meeting where we have invited speakers give presentations to the membership.

Following is some information about OPCUG, how we are set up, and what facilities are available. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our Meeting Coordinator at: meetings@opcug.ca

Meeting location:

Our monthly meetings are by video conference using the ZOOM platform. If you are a speaker, please contact our Meeting Coordinator. The Zoom program can be downloaded here

  • The meeting video conference opens at 7:15 pm and the actual meeting begins at 7:30 pm
  • To connect with the meeting, use https://tinyurl.com/opcug-meeting
  • If for any reason the above URL doesn’t work you can use the “JOIN A MEETING” link at https://zoom.us/join
          meeting ID: 92495560898
          password: opcug
  • We set aside up to 90 minutes for the main presentation, including questions (until 9:00 pm)
  • Presenters are (in Zoom parlance) a “co-host” and have the ability to share their screen
  • All microphones are muted during the presentation. Presenters have the ability to unmute themselves, whereas others cannot
  • After the main presentation, all attendees can unmute themselves in order to ask questions or make comments
  • Attendees can use the Zoom Chat window to make comments or ask questions. Someone from the OPCUG monitors the Chat.
  • If the Chat monitor sees something (maybe an important point that needs clarification that they think all attendees would benefit from), they might break in. Presenters can choose whether they prefer all questions be held until after the presentation.
  • We normally record audio only and make the recording available on our website. Presenters can let us know if they prefer that we not record audio.
  • If presenters are willing to share any presentation materials, they will be posted on our public website. Preferred formats are PowerPoint or PDF.
  • Beyond the honorarium, presenters receive a complimentary one-year membership to the OPCUG. Presenters wishing to take advantage of that should send a completed form https://opcug.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MbrForm6.pdf (or just an email containing all the info on that form)
  • We are happy to set up a practice Zoom session for any presenter

Monthly meetings are normally on the second Wednesday of the month, from September to June. Dates and times of upcoming meetings and other events are posted on our website.

Meeting time
The main presentation normally runs from 7:30 pm to 9 pm. The first 60 -75 minutes are allocated for the talk itself and the remaining time for questions.

Meeting announcement:
The newsletter is distributed prior to the general meeting and includes a short section of one or two paragraphs about the topic of the upcoming meeting, usually written by the presenter, or otherwise by the Meeting Coordinator with your approval. Please submit the description to the Meeting Coordinator at least 5 weeks before the meeting. This information will also be used for a notice of the meeting that is posted to members and other subscribers to our OPCUG-Announcements mailing list on Google Groups. Instructions for subscribing to the mailing list are posted here.

Door prizes:
If presenters would like to donate items to use as a door prize, these are most gratefully accepted.

For presenters who are also vendors of goods or services, and would like to give a special deal to members of the OPCUG, we would be happy to announce this in our newsletter and on our Special Offers and Promotions page.

Our membership is mostly composed of hobbyists but we do have IT professionals in the group as well. We typically have about 60 members and visitors attend the meeting, and have a monthly newsletter that goes out to about 150 people. The newsletter is also available to everyone on our website’s home page.

As a small gesture of appreciation, all speakers are given an honorarium and a complimentary one-year membership in the Ottawa PC Users’ Group. Please be sure to provide a completed membership application form (PDF format) to the Membership Coodinator or any member of the Executive.

Guests are welcome to any of our meetings at no charge.

Contact info:
Meeting Coordinator email: meetings@opcug.ca.

Meeting schedule:
Monthly meetings are usually on
the 2nd Wednesday of each month
(no meetings in July and August).
Meeting opens at 7:15 p.m.
Main presentation: 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Meeting venue:
Our meetings are via Zoom video conference. The program can be downloaded here.

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