Q&A has gone on-line!

Our next Q&A session will commence at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, December 18th. ***

Questions on any computer-related issues are welcome, as are mini-presentations of your favourite computer program or on an interesting topic that you would like to share with the group? Send your questions or brief details of what you would like to share to: SuggestionBox@opcug.ca. Alternatively, create your own PowerPoint deck using the Q&A template that can be downloaded from: https://opcug.ca/downloads/Q&A-Template.potx

You don’t have to be an OPCUG member to attend Q&A sessions. There is no charge. Everyone is welcome to join us and ask questions about their specific computer-related problems.  Simply click on the following link to join the session when it is in progress (the link is normally open at 7:15 pm on Wednesday evenings): https://tinyurl.com/opcug-meeting (if you use the Zoom client, the meeting ID is 924 9556 0898 and the password is opcug)

* If the TinyURL link doesn’t work, use: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92495560898?pwd=cDNCcVdZVVRiZ3hQNHJzVDZNVHoxZz09


*** Note that there will not be a Q&A session on December 11th as this will be our regular monthly meeting. Our speaker will be Mark Schulman, Central Florida Computer Society, with a presentation entitled Encryption Software. The presentation will start at 7:30 pm and continue through 9:00 pm. Full details are posted at: https://opcug.ca/events/encryption-software/

Don't forget!


PDF versions of the PowerPoint presentations, audio recordings of the associated discussions, and copies of the comments in the Chat window, from our weekly Q&A sessions are available as the following files:

MOST RECENT Q&A SESSION – December 4, 2024

20241204_PowerPoint.pdf (2.1 MB)

20241204_ConfigureDefender.pdf (529 KB)

20241204_Audio.m4a (8.0 MB)

20241204_Chat.txt (5 KB)

Filing cabinet


For the content of previous Q&A, sessions please see our:

Q&A Session Archives

(Includes presentations and audio recording from the weekly Q&A sessions and highlights from earlier sessions held at the club’s regular monthly meetings)

You can also download the complete list of Q&A topics, including links to the web page archives, as a PDF file:



What do we do at a Q&A session?

One of the strengths of computer user groups is the technical assistance provided to members – by members. The Ottawa PC Users’ Group is no exception to this general rule. Our motto “Users helping users” says it all.

We publish a wealth of useful information in Ottawa PC News, our monthly newsletter, and answer questions on the members-only forum on our web site. We provide additional assistance by holding question-and-answer sessions where anyone can raise computer-related queries and, hopefully, have them answered through the combined knowledge and experience of the members present.

Our Q&A sessions are held on each Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm (except for the week of our monthly club meeting that is normally held on the second Wednesday of the month.)

Historical Note:

Over the years, OPCUG has had a number of Special Interest Groups (SIG’s).

Most recently, the Beginners’ SIG, Windows SIG, and the Linux, Free Software and Open-Source SIG have all morphed into the current Q&A session.

Q and A

Do you have questions? — We have answers!

Send your question to us by E-mail:  SuggestionBox@opcug.ca

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