A guide to digital photography for computer enthusiasts
Lynda Buske, a photo enthusiast, will cover various topics on how to improve your photography from conception to camera to computer. Digital photo editing on your PC allows you to rescue poor images and further enhance good ones. After the click of your camera, you’re only half done!
Lynda’s articles are available in PDF format below
How to photograph moving objects
Focal length compression – what it is and what it isn’t
Evening Photography
What to do with all those travel photos?
Shooting near water
Complimentary Colours
Silhouettes and Vignettes
What are the odds?
Selective lighting adjustments in photo editing software
Sometimes the world is black and white!
Using your photos at Christmas
Apps for photographing celestial bodies
Tips for travel photography
Sharing your pictures on the Internet
Creating short depth of field with your computer
Understanding Depth of Field
Rainy Day Photos
First step to getting off Auto setting
Bring on the birds!
Renaming photo files
Free tutoring in photo editing by Lynda Buske
For anybody interested, I’m offering free one-on-one training in photo editing. The first part is a one hour demo using zoom so I can illustrate the features of the free Photoscape X software. The second part would involve me siting your personal computer (must be Windows 10) and working with you on your photo projects for an hour or so. Contact me at
Lynda regularly provides digital photography information as part of OPCUG’s series of presentations at branches of the Ottawa Public Library. She can often be seen at monthly meetings, with camera or cellphone in hand, taking shots of the club’s activities for use in the newsletter and on the web site.