00:06:52 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: Welcome to all members and guests! Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ Want to present at Q&A? Give us your material and we can create slides, or we have a PowerPoint template you can download and use: https://opcug.ca/downloads/Q&A-Template.potx Send in questions, shares, etc SuggestionBox@opcug.ca Everyone will be muted during the presentation. Feel free to use the Chat window to comment and ask questions. After the presentation, people will be able to unmute themselves. Please feel free to do so if you want to ask a question or make a comment 00:14:29 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Important – Time Change & In-person Option for Q&A on December 18th We will be holding a very special Q&A session on Wednesday, December 18th. This will be a hybrid session for Didn't hear them both in-person participants and those online over Zoom. The in-person meeting will be held at the North Gloucester branch of the Ottawa Public Library (2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa). Due to the library’s closing time, for this meeting only, the Q&A session will be held from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To add a social element to this close-to-Xmas event, the Q&A session will be followed by a meeting of the Wing SIG at the nearby Big Rig Kitchen & Brewery in the Gloucester Centre where attendees will be able to purchase food and beverages of their choice in the finest tradition of our post-meeting SIG. 00:18:49 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: The slides will be available on the website within a few days 00:18:57 Natalie: Great! 00:28:09 Natalie: If you "save As" will the doc keep the encryption & password? 00:30:07 Carol Pearson: Not verion specific? 00:31:14 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: All "recent" versions of Office docs are pretty much the same. I am pretty sure anything from 2016 versions of Office 00:31:17 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 00:31:56 Coreen: where is the software developed? 00:33:15 Tom Trottier: DOn't you need an AES applicaton? 00:33:58 Timothy: Office 2013 has this protection. 00:33:59 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Terrapane Corporation https://www.aescrypt.com 00:34:35 Natalie: Need to share the password in a secure way, too! 00:35:13 Stew Bruce: I password protected an Excel spreadsheet I created way back with Office 2010. It has migrated from various Microsoft Office suites to OpenOffice and into LibreOffice and still works to this day. 00:37:08 Coreen: what is suggested for managing these passwords? 00:37:31 Tom Trottier: 7-zip is also anencrypted container 00:39:06 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Veracrypt https://www.veracrypt.fr/code/VeraCrypt/ 00:39:19 Jocelyn Doire: @Coreen a good software to manage passwords is https://keepass.info/ 00:39:35 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: @Coreen - I give a presentation at the OPL "Keeping passwords safe" - https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/program?text=Keeping+passwords+safe 00:40:01 Coreen: Thank you Jocelyn and Chris 00:40:13 Tom Trottier: What are the pros & cons of 7zip vs Veracrypt? 00:40:44 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: I use KeePass Password safe as an example in my presentation. But there are dozens (or more) password managers 00:41:37 Tom Trottier: https://www.wired.com/story/best-password-managers/ 00:41:53 Bill: What encryption could I use with Android that I might get on playstore? 00:42:01 Tom Trottier: https://www.tomsguide.com/us/best-password-managers,review-3785.html 00:42:21 Tom Trottier: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/ca/business/software/best-password-managers/ 00:44:09 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): One problem with Veracrypt is that when the container is updated the time-date stamp doesn't change. Then, if you have a file synchronization backup system that is based on time-date stamps the updated contained won't be backed up! The trick is to "touch" the container file using the touch Unix utility (available for Windows) that updates the time-date stamp. 00:46:24 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Mount - touch - unmount can be semi-automated using a batch file. 00:46:54 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): That would be mount - unmount - touch! 00:47:12 Tom Trottier: Does Veracrypt compress? 00:52:36 Tom Trottier: "backup" movie? 00:52:46 Tristan: @Tom Trottier no, Veracrypt only does encryption. 00:55:01 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: Or call it Vacation.lrcat - lrcat is a lightroom catalog which can only be opened by Lightroom. Gets around someone trying to open a video file and become suspicious when it doesn't open. 00:56:18 Eldon Gaw: I don't know if anyone would want to, but can you put a container inside a container? 00:56:48 Tristan: @Eldon Gaw indeed you could as it is simply a file. 00:57:20 Eldon Gaw: tnx Tristan, 01:02:41 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): @Bill But (unfortunately) not for Android! 01:03:57 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): @Bill Here you go! 01:07:10 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): ColorNote https://www.colornote.com https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note 01:08:06 Tom Trottier: Are encrypted OneNote files accessible by Microsoft? 01:08:25 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Bitwarden https://bitwarden.com 01:09:04 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: @Tom - no. 01:10:38 Jeff Dubois: Most excellent talk. Thank you. 01:10:41 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): KeePass Password Safe https://keepass.info 01:10:47 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Free and open source 01:10:49 Tom Trottier: https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm 01:11:13 Tristan: Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, Best practices for passwords https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/best-practices-passphrases-and-passwords-itsap30032 01:11:28 Tom Trottier: https://whatsthisthen.com/apps/passwords/ 01:12:06 Tom Trottier: How do you seed your password generator? 01:13:26 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Keeping passwords safe with Chris Taylor Rockcliffe Park Thursday Jan 30, 2025 at 5:30pm https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/program?text=pc+users 01:13:33 Tom Trottier: https://www.aescrypt.com https://www.colornote.com https://www.onenote.com https://veracrypt.fr https://www.7-zip.org 01:13:43 Glen: "The FBI has issued a warning to Americans about sending regular text messages between Androids and iPhones. The agency revealed that exchanges between the two brands leave messages vulnerable to hackers. Instead, users are advised to use secure, encrypted messaging and phone calls on apps like WhatsApp to prevent third parties from accessing conversations." I use an Android phone connected by WIFI to a MIFI device on a data plan with a major wireless carrier. Is encryption needed for security if VOIP phone calls are made using my phone - MIFI device and not on a public WIFI network? Will encrypting a phone call increase the amount of digitized / encrypted data transmitted during the call? If so, what is the approximate percentage increase in the amount of data sent? Encrypting the call might cause the connection to drop out more often when the signal strength or available bandwidth is marginal. 01:14:11 E O'Driscoll: Fantastic. Thanks Mark! 01:14:16 Gail Eagen: Thanks, Mark! Great presentation! 01:15:09 Michelle Faber: Thanks. You gave us a lot of options for encrypting our files. 01:15:17 Darlene: Regarding the FBI directive, Signal is another option they mentioned in addition to Whats App. 01:15:35 Timothy: That was a terrific presentation. 01:15:38 Darlene: Terrific presentation 01:16:04 Ed Morawski: Great, GREAT presentation!! 01:16:48 Bill: Lots of information Mark! Very interesting! Thank you so much. 01:17:46 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Never saw "Never save history"! Many thanks Mark. 01:19:43 Serge-Érik: I use infomaniak Swiss Transfer (https://www.swisstransfer.com/en-ca ) for sending encrypted files. Do you think this kind of online services as secure as is claimed? 01:21:00 Tom Trottier: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/eff-fcc-ss7-vulnerable-and-telecoms-must-acknowledge 01:21:25 Tom Trottier: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/eff-fcc-ss7-vulnerable-and-telecoms-must-acknowledge 01:21:33 Allison: Very interesting information Mark. Thank you! 01:21:56 Tom Trottier: Basically all phone systems are horribly insecure 01:22:17 Tom Trottier: https://www.firstpoint-mg.com/blog/ss7-attack-guide/ 01:22:59 Stew Bruce: Do you have an opinion on using biometrics vs passwords/pins? 01:23:47 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): What about passkeys? 01:23:55 Stew Bruce: If I was a spy, this conversation would already be over 01:24:51 Tom Trottier: Spys keep quiet....... 01:25:07 Stew Bruce: Shhhhh... 01:26:29 Stew Bruce: So that was the gspot? 01:26:32 Jocelyn Doire: How do you access the hidden container in VeraCrypt? 01:28:34 Serge-Érik: Thank you, Mark. Excellent information and tips! 01:29:39 Natalie: If you encrypt a file, if you "save As" will the doc keep the encryption & password? 01:31:32 Jocelyn Doire: neat, you answered my question I did not yet asked! :) 01:31:42 Tom Trottier: Thanks, Mark 01:31:51 Natalie: Thanks! 01:32:08 Michelle Faber: Good night 01:32:08 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Important – Time Change & In-person Option for Q&A on December 18th We will be holding a very special Q&A session on Wednesday, December 18th. This will be a hybrid session for both in-person participants and those online over Zoom. The in-person meeting will be held at the North Gloucester branch of the Ottawa Public Library (2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa). Due to the library’s closing time, for this meeting only, the Q&A session will be held from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To add a social element to this close-to-Xmas event, the Q&A session will be followed by a meeting of the Wing SIG at the nearby Big Rig Kitchen & Brewery in the Gloucester Centre where attendees will be able to purchase food and beverages of their choice in the finest tradition of our post-meeting SIG. 01:32:37 Michelle Faber: Good night. 01:32:37 Carol Pearson: /thank you very informative!!! 01:32:39 Coreen: Thanks Good presentation! 01:32:42 Natalie: Great info. Thank you for the presentation. 01:33:49 Tristan: Details on the Hidden Volume in VeraCrypt. https://veracrypt.eu/en/Hidden%20Volume.html 01:35:11 E O'Driscoll: Thanks Mark & everyone! 01:36:20 Ed Morawski: I'd like to and will try. 01:36:23 Alice.Nakanishi: Sorry, have another meeting. Thank you!