00:08:40 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: Welcome to all members and guests! Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ Everyone will be muted during the presentation. Feel free to use the Chat window to comment and ask questions. After the presentation, people will be able to unmute themselves. Please feel free to do so if you want to ask a question or make a comment 00:12:58 Jocelyn Doire: The name Shawinigan has had numerous spellings over time: Chaouinigane, Oshaouinigane, Assaouinigane, Achawénégan, Chawinigame, Shawenigane, Chaouénigane. It may mean "south portage", "portage of beeches", "angular portage", or "summit" or "crest".[1] Before 1958, the city was known as Shawinigan Falls. 00:14:01 KWG: How did they hear about the presentation tonight? 00:16:20 Stew Bruce: @Joc I believe it loosly translates to "portage over the high water" as the Shawinigan river has a nice bit of rough water just near my place. It's a small river that empties into the Saint Maurice river. 00:23:42 Tom Trottier: Some blurays, too 00:27:05 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): OPCUG PRESENTATIONS AT THE OTTAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY https://opcug.ca/opl-presentations/ 00:28:37 Chris Taylor, President OPCUG: If you are searching at the OPL website for OPCUG presentations, search for "PC Users" (you don't need the quotes) 00:28:52 Tom Trottier: If your are visiting a place for a few weeks, eg work assignment, the local library usually has info on all the local organizations - radio amateurs, photo clubs, cycling, toastmasters, ..... You can always try something new! 00:30:42 Darlene: Donations are important. This wonderful city resource is a Registered Charity. 00:31:19 Natalie: Replying to "Donations are import..." Thanks for this info. I had no idea! 00:32:53 Natalie: You can load money on tyour library card & then use it to print on site. 00:32:56 Tom Trottier: ?DFO they have tabloid size printers - 11x17? 00:33:08 Tom Trottier: Do 00:35:11 Tom Trottier: Sunnyside has lots of physical magazines & you can check out non-current copies. 00:36:39 Tom Trottier: https://ottawa.bibliocommons.com/v2/search?locale=en-CA&query=pass&searchType=smart 00:37:32 Natalie: The Art Gallery pass os only good for regular collection admission, not to the special exhibits. 00:38:10 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): e-Magazines include PC World and Maximum PC in addition to many other computer and tech. issues. 00:38:27 Bob Herres: Reacted to "e-Magazines include ..." with ❤️ 00:39:14 Tom Trottier: Are interlibrary loans free if in Ottawa? 00:40:18 Darlene: I once borrowed a book via OPL that was available at a library in Toronto (a year or 2 ago). It cost nothing. 00:41:34 Natalie: For online e-books, we have access to other regional library systems (5?), if ours doesn't have the item. 00:41:59 Allison Bryndza: For ILLs it depends if the library charges a fee or if they have an agreement with OPL. I think most if not all Ontario public libraries will do ILLs for free between each other. 00:42:25 Natalie: Regular check-out (no special inter-library loan process). 00:42:43 Natalie: ...for the e-books. 00:43:14 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Libby isn't available for Windows (e.g. tablets) but E-books can be opened in Adobe Digital Editions 00:44:24 Tom Trottier: You can also reserve/download ebooks & audiobooks from 6 other Ontario libraries 00:45:04 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): OPL has partnered with Hamilton Public Library, London Public Library, Burlington Public Library, Mississauga Library and Kingston Frontenac Public Library to provide access to each other's OverDrive digital collections. 00:45:09 Natalie: Unless things have changed, I used to access Libby on my PC via their website, and have the app on my Android tablet. 00:45:58 Allison Bryndza: Hoopla and Kanopy are fantastic. 00:46:04 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): You can read E-books on a browser in Libby/Windows but there is no app. 00:46:24 Tom Trottier: there is an android Kanopy app 00:46:28 Tom Trottier: android TV 00:47:08 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): There is no Windows Libby app. The app is useful as the book can be stored nd read off-line. 00:50:24 Denis Therrien: A 2 zed 00:50:50 Natalie: They recently listed a workshop using a virtual headset at a couple of branches. 00:52:26 Natalie: Nothing has changed with the fees from publishers: if they pay for a physical copy, it's good until it falls apart. However, they keep having to renew the digital license. 00:54:10 Allison Bryndza: The cost of ebooks for libraries is a big issue. 00:54:14 Bob Herres: eBook background very interesting wow I didn't realize all this stuff 00:54:22 Tom Trottier: https://www.kanopy.com/en 00:55:04 Darlene: I will be sure to tell my book club about the cost of the ebooks. 00:55:16 Natalie: Replying to "The cost of ebooks f..." Yes, it's been discussed for years, but there's been no movement from the publishers to change the fee structure.. 00:56:52 Tom Trottier: Knowledge network also has an email newsletter & a Roku app, maybe android TV 00:57:20 Natalie: There used to be a geneaology expert at the Cumberland branch, but she retired. I think that hands-on help is now only at the Main branch. Does anyone know if there's anyone at any other branch? 01:01:00 Tom Trottier: Have to wait? Bring a book..... 01:01:21 Natalie: Reacted to "Have to wait? Bring ..." with 😀 01:01:42 Tom Trottier: Mormon churches make extensive genealogy records available to all 01:02:10 Darlene: Reacted to "Have to wait? Bring ..." with 👍 01:02:54 Tom Trottier: I think most Kindles & other ereaders will read the book to you 01:03:24 Tom Trottier: https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/ 01:04:02 Natalie: For those wih a disability, you can apply for special status on your card & get an extended loan period (6 wks vs 3 wks). However, not valid on Express items, or digital items. 01:06:21 Bob Herres: Please wait till end. Carol mentioned and suggested "other linked" libraries to search for some items... one was Hamilton I missed the other 2 or 3 cities 01:06:41 Rosemary: Thank you - great information! 01:06:47 bea: awesome I did not know so much of that. 01:06:52 Denis Therrien: Wow! Thx. Merci. Gracias. Shookran 01:06:55 Darlene: Great presentation. 01:06:59 Gail Eagen (OPCUG Secretary): Thank you, Carol. 01:07:09 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Replying to "Please wait till end..." OPL has partnered with Hamilton Public Library, London Public Library, Burlington Public Library, Mississauga Library and Kingston Frontenac Public Library to provide access to each other's OverDrive digital collections. 01:07:11 Linda: Excellent presentation! 01:07:16 Lynda Buske: Fantastic Carol. I want to play with the serger! 01:07:34 Tom Trottier: TY Carol 01:07:52 bea: are there limitations to what book they accept as donations 01:08:49 Allison Bryndza: Great presentation Carol! I use the library all the time. The only thing I would say is be aware that if you are wanting a specific book (I recently wanted to reread To Kill a Mockingbird as we were going to see the play) there can be holds lists that are dozens and hundreds of people long. 01:09:02 Natalie: Replying to "are there limitation..." My branch simply has a drop box. Not sure what they do with books that aren't wanted. 01:09:03 Lynda Buske: Bea, they ask for recent books but I've purchased books as old as 20 years from them. I've donated old ones and seen them sold. 01:09:16 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): @Bea At North Gloucester there's a box. So, no. But, who knows what happens to "undesirable" donations. 01:09:50 Bob Herres: That was Awesome!! I made notes and took screenshots / I'm keen to review the deck later.. Inspiring and incredible a Thermometer would be fun to Try. but Not Buy/ I'm in for this and I already have a Library Card 🙂 01:10:09 Tom Trottier: 6 libraries including ottawa 01:10:34 Tom Trottier: for online reserves/borrows of ebooks, audiobooks 01:10:51 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): We don't have general Q&A sessions after our monthly meetings, but our next actual Q&A session will take place on Wednesday, October 16th. (7:30 to 8:30 pm) Questions on any computer-related problems, mini-presentations (shares) on your favourite Windows, Linux or Android application are welcome. You can ask about or share information on any Computer Basics or Smartphone Basics issue. You can also send us a Loonie Link (URL of a recommended Canadian website) or details of a favourite YouTube tech video or channel. Send your suggestions for topics, useful apps, questions, and shares to: SuggestionBox@opcug.ca (Note that questions, comments, and shares can be anonymous if requested.) 01:11:26 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Great presentation C..." with ❤️ 01:11:34 Bob Herres: Reacted to "TY Carol" with ❤️ 01:11:39 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Fantastic Carol. I w..." with ❤️ 01:11:42 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Excellent presentati..." with ❤️ 01:11:45 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Thank you, Carol." with ❤️ 01:11:51 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Wow! Thx. Merci. Gra..." with ❤️ 01:11:58 Bob Herres: Reacted to "awesome I did not k..." with ❤️ 01:12:11 Tom Trottier: Virtual = 3d googles 01:12:14 Tom Trottier: goggles 01:13:07 Jocelyn Doire: I'm curious to know a little more about the book sanctuary, do you have some examples? 01:13:49 Natalie: All of the librarians I've dealt with have been great. 01:14:29 Natalie: And I've made several suggestions of books to purchase which have been accepted. 01:15:01 Stew Bruce: I have net the most amazing women in libraries 01:15:23 Rosemary: Likely books such as Brave New World by Huxley, or Orwell’s 1984, Catcher in the Rye by Salinger 01:15:24 Natalie: Also helpful to give positive feedback if you get good service. 01:15:35 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Replying to "Great presentation C..." Another issue can be when reading a series by a given author, only to find out that not all the items are available. 01:15:43 Brigitte Lord (OPCUG Newsletter Editor, Webmaster): The presentation deck is online on our Past Meetings page (https://opcug.ca/past-presentations/). The audio recording will follow later (not available yet). 01:16:00 Natalie: They also accept volunteers to help kids with homework. 01:16:35 Bob Herres: Replying to "I have net the most ..." Oh.. Carol didn't mention that one ! TY 01:17:04 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): The audio recording from tonight's session will be posted on our website, together with the contents of this chat window. 01:17:21 Bob Herres: Reacted to "The presentation dec..." with ❤️ 01:18:03 Natalie: You can book an appt with a librarian one-on-one to get help with the site, services, etc. 01:18:42 Natalie: Great info. Thanks! 01:18:43 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Annual membership dues for the Ottawa PC Users’ Group are $20.00. You can pay for your membership using a credit card (through PayPal), with a PayPal account, or by mailing a cheque. Full details are posted at: https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ 01:19:32 Stew Bruce: Replying to "I have net the most ..." 😄 01:19:41 Bob Herres: Carol, thank you!! Well done, Well enjoyed 01:20:39 Brigitte Lord (OPCUG Newsletter Editor, Webmaster): Very informative, Carol. Thank you. 01:20:50 Natalie: They had an external locker pick-up service that was available, then suspended, and might come back 01:21:00 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Very informative, Ca..." with ❤️ 01:22:06 Natalie: There's also the CELA library for people with print disabilities, linked to the CNIB. Also free. 01:23:52 Ed Morawski: Really great presentation! 01:23:59 Bob Herres: Reacted to "Really great present..." with ❤️ 01:25:24 Natalie: Reacted to "Really great present..." with ❤️ 01:26:38 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Everything https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8967 01:26:48 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Windows search engine replacement 01:29:04 Wayne: Excellent presentation! 01:29:24 Ed Morawski: 👍