00:07:48 Bob Herres: Welcome to all, Members & Guests! 00:08:29 Bob Herres: Guests are always welcome at The Ottawa PC Users’ Group meetings. 00:08:53 Bob Herres: Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ 00:15:00 E O'Driscoll: Very funny about the zebra. 00:19:30 Timothy: Good Mc-ing tonight Bob. 00:21:08 Denis Therrien: He is not sharing his screen 00:23:07 Bob Herres: Replying to "He is not sharing hi..." Thank you I thought it was just me, I was trying to fix my view ) 00:32:14 Bob Herres: A little (HTML) knowledge is a wonderful thing http://opcug.ca/presentations/LITTLE_H.ZIP 00:32:23 Bob Herres: Create Your Own Blog or Website with WordPress https://opcug.ca/presentations/20210113-make_blog_opcug.pdf https://opcug.ca/presentations/20210113-WebsiteWithElementor.pdf 00:33:04 Bob Herres: Google Sites https://sites.google.com/ 00:40:21 Harvey Hope: Once the Google Site website is created, can it be downloaded to my local computer. 00:42:20 Bob Herres: Alan’s Bird Photos (Web site example – Incomplete!) https://sites.google.com/opcug.ca/alans-bird-photos 00:50:07 Denis Therrien: Replying to "Once the Google Site..." I also want to know. Thx. 01:02:05 Stew Bruce: It may mean "boat ramp" but do you know how to pronounce the word? 01:10:44 Bob Herres: Google Sites https://sites.google.com/ 01:11:11 Denis Therrien: Would another con of using Google sites is limited space? 01:14:42 Harvey Hope: Alan, what is the name of the editor you showed us? 01:15:23 Bob Herres: alan.german@opcug.ca 01:15:36 Bob Herres: Building a Website - No Coding Required! (Available shortly after tonight's meeting) https://opcug.ca/past-presentations/ 01:15:45 Bob Herres: Alan’s Bird Photos (Web site example – Incomplete!) https://sites.google.com/opcug.ca/alans-bird-photos 01:15:49 E O'Driscoll: I just looked at the example - it's quite nice. 01:16:34 José Costa: I use the free version of https://www.x10hosting.com/ 01:16:36 Gail Eagen: Thank you, Alan! 01:17:04 barb: fantastic presentation..thanks so much 01:18:14 Glen: Say you are at business's web page that you would like to print out. However, maybe it has a grey font or a grey background that is inconvenient. Can you save a copy of that website, load it into google sites and edit it to change the font or background colour? 01:22:37 Denis Therrien: Alan: Merci, Thanks, Gracias, Shookran 01:22:40 Hadassa Cazir: Great presentation, Thank you Alan! 01:23:43 Timothy: Thanks for the presentation Alan. 01:25:03 Allison: Thank you, Alan! 01:26:14 Harvey Hope: Alan, thanks for your presentation 01:27:20 Jocelyn Doire: I was also using an old web site editor but for some unknow reason some keys stop working, so I started to use NotePad++, which is not bad, with some addon 01:27:47 Gail Eagen (OPCUG Secretary): There is not much flexibility 01:28:13 Gail Eagen (OPCUG Secretary): Look at the OPCUG Facebook page 01:31:00 E O'Driscoll: Alan: thanks for tonight's presentation - I had forgotten that Google offers free website building. 01:31:02 Gail Eagen (OPCUG Secretary): Yes 01:32:52 E O'Driscoll: I use Facebook but not with a business account. I find the message system is irritating. Just me, probably. 01:33:23 E O'Driscoll: Facebook is also very sneaky too. 01:33:36 Harvey Hope: Turn off Facebook notifications 01:33:54 Eldon: Sorry. I have to leave the meeting.. it is sooooo interesting wish I could stay 01:34:18 Bob Herres: Thank you Everyone Our next Q&A session is at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, September 18th. 01:34:28 Bob Herres: Send in questions, shares, etc. for the Weekly Q&A SuggestionBox@opcug.ca 01:34:52 Bob Herres: Want to present at Q&A? Give us your material and we can create slides, or we have a PowerPoint template you can download and use: https://opcug.ca/downloads/Q&A-Template.potx 01:34:56 José Costa: https://costa.x10.mx 01:35:05 Glen: Thanks 01:35:06 Gail Eagen (OPCUG Secretary): Thank you! 01:35:12 E O'Driscoll: Good night and thanks a million Alan!!! 01:35:16 Ed Morawski: Great presentation! 01:35:19 Alice Nakanishi: Thank you!