00:10:37 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: Welcome to all members and guests! Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ Everyone will be muted during the presentation. Feel free to use the Chat window to comment and ask questions. After the presentation, people will be able to unmute themselves. Please feel free to do so if you want to ask a question or make a comment 00:13:32 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: LENR... low emission nuclear reaction 00:13:37 Bill: Mind you, once there is a change in the present government, 2035 won't be a problem. 00:18:50 Tom Trottier: Red Hat is not FOSS... 00:20:42 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): But Fedora is 00:21:04 Tom Trottier: Maybe red hat is.... 00:22:18 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Free Software Foundation https://www.fsf.org 00:26:21 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Red Hat used to be a free Linux distro. Now this is the "enterprise" version and Red Hat spun off Fedora as a more usual form of free distro. 00:28:18 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: Does Calibre handle all e-book formats? Including Amazon's? 00:30:53 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: You can actually buy hard-copy books on using GIMP 00:31:22 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): There are lots of on-line how-to's and video tutorials for GIMP 00:32:09 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): GNU - GNU is Not Unix 00:33:07 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: I used Inkscape to put together the current OPCUG logo. 00:36:05 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: Yay for KeePass. I teach at the Ottawa Public Library about Keeping Passwords Safe and recommend KeePass as a great password manager. I keep my password database synched between all my Windows computers and Android phone 00:36:47 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): The KeePass database is stored locally and is encrypted 00:38:49 Tom Trottier: Don't forget Scribus for newsletters 00:40:13 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): LO Draw can also be used as a PDF editor 00:40:59 Chris Taylor, President, OPCUG: The manuals available for LibreOffice are very comprehensive. Unlike others (cough cough Microsoft Office) 00:43:54 Tom Trottier: Stellarium can also show satellite paaths 00:50:12 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Recommendations for Adam's list: Brave Browser, Faststone Image Viewer, Kodi (Media Player) and NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) which is a screen reader for vision impaired and 00:52:50 KWG: Does Adam have any suggestions for better file management on an Android phone. 00:53:23 Tom Trottier: And LibreWolf, Iron, Waterfox browsers 00:56:42 Tom Trottier: 8088 Linux? 00:56:51 Tom Trottier: wekk, 8080.... 00:57:18 Carol Pearson: does windows interfere with linux? 00:59:10 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Linux is usually installed in a separate disk partition so there is no unwanted interference with Windows on another partition. However, Linux can access the Windows partition if the user wishes. 01:00:26 Tom Trottier: The Z80 CPU just recently got discontinued 01:04:33 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Many Linux distros offer Long Term Support (LTS) versions that are supported for 5 years. 01:07:25 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): It's easy to try Linux without installing it, just download a distro and burn it to a bootable USB drive 01:08:56 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): It's also easy to customize a Linux desktop by adding icons of apps or adding them to the panel (taskbar), very Windows-like! 01:11:47 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Now I'm dying to try SliTaz on an old clunker I'e got col 01:13:27 Ed Morawski: Aww... didn't mention Linux Mint. ;) 01:13:57 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Well, Mint is based on Ubuntu so... 01:15:27 Jocelyn Doire: Any recommendation for a contacts management software, to help a secretary on a condo board. 01:16:16 E O'Driscoll: A super presentation! I didn't realize there was so much free stuff that isn't a threat. 01:16:34 Ed Morawski: Great, great presentation! 01:16:51 Bill: Thanks Adam, great presentation. 01:17:10 Timothy: Great presentation Adam. 01:17:29 Gail Eagen: Thank you, Adam! 01:17:45 Bob Herres: TY! Fantastic presentation! Incredibly informative and genuinely impressive! I'm eager to check out, many of the programs you mentioned! 01:17:56 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Any comments on the controversy between GPL v2 and v3? Linux Torvalds has certainly bad-mouthed GPL v3 (but, then again, he does that now and again.) 01:18:06 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Any recommendations for a 32-bit Linux distro? 01:18:14 Tom Trottier: Scribus has the useful ability to contimue articles on other pages with references... 01:18:19 Bob Herres: Would you okay to ask the name of your YouTube Channel?" I’m sure it is equally interesting. Also, you mentioned you don’t use “Google Search?? What is a better search Engine? 01:18:32 Bill Van Dijk: Is there a Linux version that runs Windows software better than others? (If at all) 01:18:57 Tom Trottier: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/ 01:19:42 KWG: Exactly 01:19:52 Wayne: Thanks Adam, Great presentation 01:20:22 Tom Trottier: Iron is Chrome without the spyware 01:21:11 Tom Trottier: Adam, have you used Linux for Windows? 01:21:53 Tom Trottier: Linux Subsystem for Windows 01:24:24 Bob Gowan: Chris: From Calibre website: built in editor - edits ePub and Kindle 01:25:21 José Costa: Calibre also supports Amazon file formats .azw3 and .mobi and many others, as well as converting among them. 01:26:38 Tom Trottier: For DRM protected ePubs in Calibre, you need a DRM remover add-in. I think there isn't one for Amazon 01:28:01 Tom Trottier: Is there a distro for Tesla cars? 01:31:04 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Linux uses a Software Manager to provide hundreds of secure apps for installation; however, other software can be downloaded and installed. 01:34:38 Tom Trottier: Gentoo! Compile for your PC 01:34:48 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): @Jeff -- Another option for 32-bits https://opcug.ca/Reviews/Elsie.pdf 01:35:50 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Wonderful talk Adam. Thank you very much. Will give SliTaz a look for sure. 01:37:32 Tom Trottier: Your fiancée should install ublock origin....... 01:43:41 Tristan: Can also use "Flatpak" to install applications across any Linux distro. https://flatpak.org/ 01:44:58 Tom Trottier: Gentoo is a Linux distn in source code only - you compile it for your hardware 32/64 bit.... 01:48:22 Bill Van Dijk: Thanks ! Gottogo 01:48:24 KWG: Alan must be beaming about all of this Linux talk! 01:48:28 Serge-Érik: Thank you, Adam! 01:48:35 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): BEAM!!! 01:48:41 Tom Trottier: or it makes you cry..... 01:49:24 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): But, don't forget to check out some of those Windows' free software options... 01:49:38 Bob Herres: Reacted to "But, don't forget to..." with ❤️ 01:49:47 Ed Morawski: 👏 01:50:11 Tom Trottier: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/ 01:50:24 Michelle Faber: Sorry. Need to go. Good night. Excellent presentation. 01:50:30 Bob Herres: Reacted to "https://fullcirclema..." with ❤️ 01:50:42 Tom Trottier: TY 01:50:57 E O'Driscoll: Bye everyone! Many thanks to Adam!!! 01:50:58 Bob Herres: Awesome 01:50:59 Bob Gowan: Great presentation