00:09:29 Chris Taylor (President, OPCUG): Welcome to all members and guests! Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ Everyone will be muted during the presentation. Feel free to use the Chat window to comment and ask questions. After the presentation, people will be able to unmute themselves. Please feel free to do so if you want to ask a question or make a comment 00:13:30 Mark Cayer: Why not use an old timer setting for Xmas tree lights?? 00:15:10 Mark Cayer: Nope. I’ve been too busy preparing for tomorrow 3.14 it’s PI Day. Make mine Apple !! 00:15:56 Michelle Faber: You can get them at Made in Canada store at Bayshore Shopping Centre. I got 4 pairs. 00:21:01 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Current OPCUG members - No need to renew. Your membership will be extended automatically by a further year - at no charge! 00:29:26 Chris Taylor (President, OPCUG): Rule of thirds: a great starting point, at least! 00:34:36 Coreen: 😃 00:40:49 Tom Trottier: Depth of Field calculator - adjustable for any lens, any sensor, and shows softness due to diffraction https://www.dl-c.com/DoF/ - a windows app - there was an android app, but he has discontinued it. 00:43:08 Coreen: fantastic photo 00:43:21 Tom Trottier: The "f/stop" is a ratio of the aperture to the focal length. So F/2 says the aperture is 1/2 the focal length. The focal length is the distances from the lens to the sensor/film when focused at infinity. F/11 means the aperture is 1/11 the focal length. 00:51:07 Tom Trottier: Aperture=opening - is, the width of the opening in the lens that lets the light thru 00:54:33 Tom Trottier: Lynda, for your closeups, do you use a macro lens, extension tubes, or add closeup lenses? 01:01:55 Stew Bruce: I find that having grown up on black & white media, colour while nice, remains a bit of a complication. 01:09:49 Tom Trottier: Phones/cameras often let you set 2 of the three exposure controls: ISO, aperture, shutter speed - and automatically set the 3rd so it's well exposed. 01:11:42 Bill: A lot of great pictures, and great tips. Going to try some of your techniques. Thanks so much Lynda. 01:12:04 Tom Trottier: Polaroid filters help colour saturation by reducing specular reflection 01:21:47 Tom Trottier: Polaroid filters can also intensify rainbows! 01:25:55 Tom Trottier: And you always have to rotate polaroid filters to get the best effect 01:26:11 Coreen: Lynda, What about taking photos of the solar eclipse? Safe or not? 01:26:33 Brigitte: Beautiful pics, Lynda. Thank you! 01:27:01 E O'Driscoll: Wow a lot of great information - excellent examples and tips too😃Thank you Lynda! 01:27:15 Diane: Thank you Lynda. Always enjoyable and informative. 01:27:40 Timothy: I used a spared eye shield for the 2017 eclipse for my camera.. 01:28:04 Gail Eagen: Wonderful Presentation!!! 01:28:18 Tom Trottier: http://www.canonoutsideofauto.ca 01:28:19 Denis Therrien: Terrific - wow. Thx 01:28:22 Allison: That was great Lynda, thank you! 01:28:49 Timothy: Great presentation Lynda. 01:30:00 Denis Therrien: Lynda, if time allows can you give your opinion of mirror-less cameras? 01:30:09 Tom Trottier: Can u allow us to unmute? 01:31:12 Tom Trottier: Bob? 01:31:25 Tom Trottier: Alan? 01:31:47 Tom Trottier: Lynda? 01:32:12 Glen: Can your camera sensor be damaged when shooting the sun through foliage etc? Can you recommend a time limit after sunrise to avoid damaging the sensor? 01:32:37 Serge-Érik: Thanks, Linda. Learned a lot! 01:33:29 Timothy: Still can't unmute. 01:34:46 Timothy: Unmute is now available. 01:34:54 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): I think I found the setting to allow everyone to unmute their microphone 01:35:21 Bob Herres: Reacted to "I think I found the ..." with ❤️ 01:36:47 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Unmute was my error. I forgot I was supposed to do that. And, then I couldn't find the setting. But, don't worry, Chris will be back next week! 01:37:57 bea: Our animation teachers always encouraged us to use a low angle for a more dynamic scene - love your up shots 01:38:12 Gail Eagen: we did have a presenter who talked about solar eclipses a few months ago. 01:41:11 Ed Morawski: I need to pick up my camera again! Great presentation! 01:41:20 Tom Trottier: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foxwoodastronomy.solareclipsetimer 01:41:27 Tom Trottier: the eclipse timer 01:42:22 Bill: If you're standing, knee down and look again. 01:43:15 Tom Trottier: Thanks, Lynda! 01:44:31 Alan German (OPCUG Treasurer): Are there any more questions? Post them in the chat or unmute your microphone and jump in as soon as there is a pause! 01:44:44 Coreen: I like the suggestion of using black and white for pictures of your own children. 01:46:24 Alice Nakanishi: Thank you! 01:46:31 Coreen: Thanks so much! 01:46:37 Ed Morawski: When and where does your Photography group meet? 01:46:44 Gail Eagen: Thank you again! 01:47:02 Kirsten Fleming: Super. Thanks Lynda. 01:47:08 Michelle Faber: Thank you. 01:48:12 Bob Herres: Orleans Photo Club https://cpopc.ca/ 01:49:31 Bob Herres: Q&A Next week!! Please send you comments and questions to SuggestionBox@opcug.ca