00:09:25 Chris Taylor, President: Welcome members and guests! We will get started at 7:30 00:09:50 Chris Taylor, President: Want to join the OPCUG? - https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ 00:13:12 Alan German (Treasurer): @Elizabeth The Board of Directors waived membership dues for all current members at the start of the year. We have not sent out any renewal notices. 00:15:29 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Look for the brown manilla envelopes stuffed with cash... Ottawa LRT 00:31:39 Alan German (Treasurer): If you are not an OPCUG member, how did you hear about tonight's meeting? We are always interested in how we can best promote our meetings (which are always open to non-members at no charge). 00:51:50 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: It's been over half a century since I was in elementary school but I seem to recall a story about Columbus using knowledge of a lunar eclipse to convince the natives in Jamaica not to kill him and his crew. 00:51:58 Timothy: The May 1994 will almost match the one next April. 00:57:30 Tom Trottier: https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse_cities/statemap.html 00:57:59 lboulay: Also in the comic book Tintin and the Temple of the Sun. 00:58:35 Tom Trottier: Why do saros eclipses start & stop? 01:00:19 Jocelyn Doire: They made also a movie of Tintin Temple of the sun, very beautiful song in it 01:04:09 Tom Trottier: Assuming it is a TOTAL eclipse , not annular 01:05:55 Chris Taylor, President: Pose questions here in the Chat window or wait for microphones to be opened after Howard's presentation 01:08:59 Chris Taylor, President: The average size of the Full Moon is to a 15" pizza what the Super Moon is to a 16" pizza - Neil deGrasse Tyson 01:12:22 Timothy: Ladyhawke was another movie. 01:17:28 Timothy: You can also see some stars during the Eclipse. 01:21:46 Tom Trottier: Could the Webb telescope be eclipsed by the earth? We experience a total solar eclipse every night! https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEgoogle/SEgoogle2001/SE2024Apr08Tgoogle.html https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse_cities/statemap.html Since eclipse paths cross, some small areas have two or more eclipses within a few years... If you can watch from a mountain, you can see the shadow approaching & leaving Under a tree, you can see little suns with moon bites. 01:27:11 Louise Klein: What did the letters on the Eddington slide signify? 01:29:39 Tom Trottier: & have a passport with 6+months validity if crossing border 01:29:43 Jocelyn Doire: where would you suggest to buy a simple filter, and is there a simple way to check that the filter is safe? 01:31:48 Bill: Excellent presentation Howard! Certainly held my attention. Thank you so much. 01:34:26 E O'Driscoll: Great presentation. I wonder if animals and birds suffer from looking at the eclipse. Particularly birds watching for predators or visitors to their patch. 01:34:44 Jocelyn Doire: Is taking a picture with a camera safe for the camera? 01:35:26 Bob Herres: Thank you for sharing your knowledge & personal experience! Nobody could have done this better - this was enlightening and memorable! ❤️ 01:35:39 bea: thanks - wonderful! 01:35:46 Gail (OPCUG Secretary): That was an incredible presentation. Thank you soooo much, Howard! 01:35:50 Timothy: I used a spare filter to take pictures before and after the total eclipse. 01:36:30 Allison: Wonderful presentation! 01:36:38 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: I noted above, that about 50 years ago when I was a kid in school I recall a story about Columbus evading death by natives in Jamaica by predicting a lunar eclipse (that he had knowledge of). Is that a true story or was in taught in lore? 01:37:59 Tristan: https://secure.rasc.ca/store 01:38:00 Michelle Faber: Thank you for sharing your love and passion for eclipse. Very informative presentation. 01:38:32 Stephane: Very interesting presentation. 01:38:45 Alan German (Treasurer): RASC.CA Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 01:38:52 Tom Trottier: Apparently fully exposed and developed tri-X film is safe. Fully exposed & developed colour negative film is NOT safe 01:39:35 Tom Trottier: Great stuff - I learned a lot 01:41:18 Jocelyn Doire: What kind of material is used for the filter? 01:41:44 Alan German (Treasurer): https://secure.rasc.ca/store Solar Eclipse Glasses 1 off $2.00 (multiple packs available) 01:42:19 Timothy: Great presentation. 01:42:29 Tom Trottier: google map of path - https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse_cities/statemap.html 01:43:25 Jocelyn Doire: Great presentation and great presenter! Amazingly he answered every questions that occurred to me in less than a minute. Thanks a lot! 01:43:44 Timothy: How long does filters last? I have some from 2017. 01:45:54 Michelle Faber: How is the time of eclipses calculated 01:46:29 Jeff (JEFFRO) Dubois: Excellent talk. Quite interesting. Have a good evening all. 01:47:04 Tom Trottier: Are there any websites that show current clouds on a map? 01:49:19 Michelle Faber: thank you 01:49:45 Timothy: In the far future there will be no total eclipses as the moon is moving away from the earth. 01:51:29 Robert Benson: Great presentation. Good information. Thank you. 01:52:39 Stew Bruce: Great talk folks. G'night 01:53:54 Carol Pearson: Thank you very much! 01:55:35 Alan German (Treasurer): SuggestionBox@opcug.ca