00:07:08 Stephane: Costco offer Office 365 16 months for the price of 12 months. 00:12:09 Mark Cayer: Good evening all. Here as usual with no mic or webcam 00:18:52 Chris Taylor: Feel free to enter any questions or requests in the Chat 00:21:26 Denis Therrien: For the best Windows-11 experience, go to WKRP... 00:22:07 Timothy: Watch out for Turkeys flying.... 00:24:59 Bill Van Dijk: In the movie Tron the company exec. announces a new version of their flagship software. When asked what was new, he responded: "Well, we increased the version number on the box...……" 00:25:52 Tom Trottier: how needs 400fps??? 00:26:39 Tom Trottier: Let alone 500fps.... 00:27:20 Morris: This is sounding like Microsoft Bob 00:27:21 Tom Trottier: So with Focus..... Win 11 can do less! 00:27:47 Denis Therrien: Even Lawrence got the amber alert in Orlando? 00:27:50 Timothy: the average movie is 24 fps. 00:29:30 Tom Trottier: ...what about left hand vertical task bar? 00:30:29 Tom Trottier: Forget extra desktops. Get extra monitors! 00:32:30 Timothy: ar ar ar..... 00:33:36 Tom Trottier: Does Windows 11 Home have Bitlocker? 00:33:58 Jeff Dubois: 15digitpassword is a fifteen digit password. ;-) 00:34:43 Tom Trottier: Amazon app store looks...……..childish 00:35:31 Chris Taylor: 20,000 Android apps … out of what … 2.7 million? 00:36:03 Tom Trottier: No "OK, Windows"? 00:37:26 Tom Trottier: What if the cat chases the mouse? 00:39:32 Tom Trottier: Can you drag & drop between tabs? 00:41:22 Chris Taylor: And better security in Windows 11 00:41:57 Harvey Hope: I'm using Stardock's Start11 menu to simplify navigation. 00:42:31 Stew Bruce: I was reading today that Microsoft is adding support for icloud in Win 11 so an iphone user could use a Win PC to view their stored photos. Real soon now :) 00:44:06 Alan German: Or, none of my machines will run Windows 11, BUT they all run Linux! 00:49:55 Chris Taylor: Guests, as always are welcome. If you want to join, it is only $20/year, see https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ 00:50:03 Tom Trottier: Take two tabs & call me in the morning...……. 00:52:30 Bill: Great presentation Lawrence, Lynda and Bob! Lots of hard work there Lawrence. Much appreciated. Acting though, don't give up your day job! 😊😊😊 00:53:46 Tom Trottier: Can you run BAT files? PowerShell? 00:54:01 Timothy: I've been through many read-ins for theatre. Not bad at all. 00:55:24 Tom Trottier: How do you sign a BAT file? 00:55:42 Tom Trottier: That was a fun presentation! 00:56:27 Tom Trottier: Buggy drivers still not blocked unless you do it manually.... 00:56:35 Chris Taylor: @Tom - a BAT file in itself is not malicious. What you run from within the BAT file could be. And if it is an unsigned app, I guess it would be blocked. 00:56:56 Chris Taylor: @Tom - drivers have to be signed in Windows 10 and Windows 11 00:57:04 Tom Trottier: BAT files can delete or replace files 00:57:42 Tom Trottier: There are many buggy signed drivers that it does not block, tho they are being exploited to gain admin control 00:57:45 Chris Taylor: So can a CMD window. Smart App Control is not designed to prevent normal things you can do within Windows 00:57:47 Alan German: @Tom - cmd.exe can do that too 00:57:53 Jeff Dubois: The legacy version of SmartApp control is to unplug it from the wall. It also renders the system unusable. :-) 01:00:31 ed: Is there any indication that MS will drop the requirement for TPM 2? 01:01:18 Chris Taylor: Guests, as always are welcome. If you want to join, see https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ 01:01:31 Alan German: There is no Q&A session tonight because this is our regular monthly meeting. So, our next Q&A session will be next Wednesday, November 16th. Questions on any computer-related issues are welcome, as are mini-presentations of your favourite computer program or on an interesting topic that you would like to share with the group? Send your questions or the details of what you would like to share to: SuggestionBox@opcug.ca 01:02:12 Lynda Buske: Can you please explain the difference between Quick Access and explorer tabs? 01:03:32 Paul & Maria Middelveen: Thanks for the presentation, lots of fun! 01:04:18 Jocelyn Doire: Will the new Win11 security requirement allow to run some secure apps that won't run on Win10, but can run on Cell and/or tablets? 01:06:07 Alan German: @Lawrence - In 2025 there will be a choice. Three guesses! 01:06:19 ed: Currently a small number of PC's can run win 11 -https://www.theregister.com/2022/11/02/windows_11_statcounter/ 01:08:41 Jocelyn Doire: Any estimate of percentage of current computers that can Win11? 01:13:17 Harvey Hope: Windows 11 File Explorer does not have the Move function 01:13:18 Stew Bruce: Lawrence, is this the article you mentioned? 01:13:24 Stew Bruce: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2015/06/29/governments-recognize-the-importance-of-tpm-2-0-through-iso-adoption/ 01:15:48 Paul & Maria Middelveen: Windows 11 would be able to run on most hardware sold since 2017-18 so that being said, we all can use our PC's etc. for 6 to 10 years... so I would say about 40 percent can currently be upgraded to 11 01:16:29 Serge-Érik: Any progress on Edge replacement/uninstallation in Windows 11 at this point: I can't live without my Opera Speed Dial! 01:16:39 JohnG: You can indeed drag a file to a different tab. Hover over it and the new tab will open allowing you to drop the file in that tab. 01:18:21 Bob Herres: I use often use Move in file Explorer ..press Shift to "Move" or Ctrl to copy 01:20:39 Paul & Maria Middelveen: you probably need to turn on secure boot for bit locker to function. 01:21:19 Paul & Maria Middelveen: this need to be turned on the the system BIOS 01:23:37 faber ichelle’s iPad: Thank you. Very informative presentation. 01:25:01 Tom Trottier: I commonly run 3 browsers concurrently, with 1 or 2 more for specific sites 01:25:43 Lorraine Boulay: I was able to upgrade to Windows 11 without any problem, and got the update H2?? shortly after. 01:26:26 Tom Trottier: I use Firefox mostly, also Chrome, Iron, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave and Edge 01:29:13 Tom Trottier: Does anyone use extra destops? I don't. Get extra monitors! 01:33:09 Denis Therrien: Anyone interested in WIndows 11 current usage compared to Win-10 and even Win-7, see 01:33:11 Denis Therrien: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-version-market-share/windows/desktop/worldwide 01:34:33 Stew Bruce: I picked up a nice little monitor for $10 the other day. 01:35:05 Denis Therrien: Lawrence, scroll to the topo for %'s 01:35:15 Denis Therrien: *top 01:35:29 micheline: Are similar programs run on different desk-tops completely isolated from each other? 01:37:37 Tom Trottier: Virtual desktops run in W10 - and each includes all the monitoers 01:38:28 Paul & Maria Middelveen: Could buy a refurbished computer that is Windows 11 ready. Just a thought. 01:39:25 Alan German: @Micheline - Isolation will be the same as two programs open on a single monitor since the desktops are virtual. 01:39:26 Coreen: Thank you for the presentation and the lively discussion too! 01:40:15 Alan German: Most Linux file managers use tabs - and have done for years! 01:41:05 Bob Herres: Excellent Presentation Lawrence! Thank you for all your hard work! Tons of solid information tonight! 01:41:44 Allison: Thank you. Great presentation tonight. Bravo! 01:41:46 Harvey Hope: Thanks Lawrence for the presentation ... 01:42:19 Gail: Thanks, Lawrence (and Bob Herres/Gary and Lynda Buske/Cheryl) 01:44:31 Fernando Nunes (GAC): 👏👏 01:44:41 Serge-Érik: Thank you very, very much Lawrence, Lynda and Bob. Great presentation! Very informative. 01:44:47 Natalie: Thanks! 01:44:51 ed: Thanks for the discussion! Quite informative. 01:44:53 Denis Therrien: merci 01:45:22 faber ichelle’s iPad: Thank you 01:45:22 Chris Taylor: Guests, as always are welcome. If you want to join, see https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/