00:16:49 Chris Taylor: Stephane's presentation deck https://opcug.ca/presentations/2022-01-Cryptography101.pdf 00:17:31 Chris Taylor: Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier https://www.schneier.com/books/applied-cryptography/ Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption - 5 Differences Explained by Experts (sectigostore.com) https://sectigostore.com/blog/5-differences-between-symmetric-vs-asymmetric-encryption/ Quantum Computing and its Impact on Cryptography (cryptomathic.com) https://www.cryptomathic.com/news-events/blog/quantum-computing-and-its-impact-on-cryptography 00:22:20 Jocelyn Doire: s 00:34:35 Serge-Érik: If a certificate is expired for a Website, what do you recommend we do? 00:44:16 Timothy: The Sun will not go nova but it will expand to engulf the earth in about 7-10 billion years. 00:50:30 Jocelyn Doire: hash function is like a puzzle, it takes a long time to assemble, but it takes very little time to check it, any piece that is wrong or missing is obvious. 01:23:31 Denis Therrien: Wow! SO thorough! 01:24:00 Alan German: Are you interested in joining OPCUG? Right now, we have a very special membership offer. If you pay the annual $20.00 membership fee before March 31, 2022 we will give you an additional year of membership absolutely free.* That’s right - buy one year of membership in our club and get two years of membership at no extra charge. So, take action now. Join OPCUG today and obtain all the benefits of membership for a full two years! Details at: https://opcug.ca/join-or-renew/ [* Current OPCUG members don't need to do anything. Your membership will be automatically extended by a year.] 01:25:01 Timothy: I had a PL/1 program that used the Julius Caesar method. 01:25:30 Jocelyn Doire: instead of checking every key one by one in a brute force attack, a quantum computer can check every possible keys in one operation, that's what makes them so potentially powerful 01:27:26 Tristan: These days for a website, many use this free certificate service. https://letsencrypt.org/ 01:29:59 Claudette: If a certificate is not valid on a personal computer, what should we do? How are those certificats different from those used on Websites? 01:30:35 Tom Trottier: https://letsencrypt.org/ 01:31:46 Tristan: @Claudette an internally generated certificate is not issued by a certificate authority that is certified as trusted. Therefore on the general web will not be recognized. 01:32:54 Tom Trottier: LetsEncrypt certs last 3 months. They can be automatically renewed via having a file in your website 01:33:35 Tristan: For LetsEncrypt does require Domain verification by the owner. Provisioning a DNS record under example.com, or Provisioning an HTTP resource under a well-known URI on http://example.com/ 01:33:42 faber ichelle’s iPad: Thank you Stephane. Very good presentation. 01:34:16 Tom Trottier: Certificates (mostly) encrypt communications 01:35:35 Tom Trottier: Certificates usually cost $ 01:35:52 Tom Trottier: if they guarantee your corporate identity, cost more 01:36:03 Tristan: Issuing and renewal of certificates is mostly an automated process now at home or in business. 01:37:32 Tristan: Only reason to pay for certificates is if you are running something that does financial transactions. 01:38:11 Tom Trottier: To acquire an Extended Validation (EV) certificate, the purchaser must persuade the certificate provider of its legal identity, including manual verification checks by a human. As with OV certificates, a certificate provider publishes its EV vetting criteria through its certificate policy. 01:39:26 Tom Trottier: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/topic/the-dangers-of-https-and-extended-validation-certificates/ 01:39:56 Tom Trottier: "There’s just one little problem: It’s actually quite easy and relatively cheap to legally register a company. Also, there is no rule that says that you can’t have the exact same name as another company as long as you’re registered in a different jurisdiction. In the U.S., this means that there can theoretically be fifty companies with the same name, one for each state. That doesn’t even consider the numbers internationally." 01:41:56 Tristan: For a home website this is a handy free service and can integrate with LetsEncrypt certificates. https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/dns/glossary/dynamic-dns/ 01:42:35 Tristan: https://adamtheautomator.com/cloudflare-dynamic-dns/ 01:43:23 Chris Taylor: WinMD5 https://www.winmd5.com/ 01:45:02 Tristan: You can also use PowerShell built into Windows to hash a file. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/get-filehash?view=powershell-5.1 01:46:19 Alan German: Share – Cryptographic hashes was actually in the 29-Dec-2021 Q&A session. See: https://opcug.ca/qa-topics/ 01:46:50 Alan German: Our next Q&A session will commence at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, January 19th. Questions on any computer-related issues are welcome, as are mini-presentations of your favourite computer program or on an interesting topic that you would like to share with the group? Send your questions, or the details of what you would like to share, or answers to the above-noted questions to: SuggestionBox@opcug.ca 01:49:01 Serge-Érik: Got some more reasons here to get a certificate: "Websites need SSL certificates to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and convey trust to users." - https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-a-ssl-certificate 01:51:11 Tristan: On my servers at work doing AES 512 encryption adds 1% to the CPU load. Basically you can't even notice the impact. 01:51:26 Timothy: Great presentation Stephane. I had forgotten some of those formulas that you presented. 01:51:35 Wayne: Thanks Stephane for the great presentation. 01:51:46 Gail: Thank you, Stephane! 01:52:40 Chris Taylor: Stephane's presentation deck https://opcug.ca/presentations/2022-01-Cryptography101.pdf 01:52:45 Claudette: Thank you very much Stephane! Excellent presentation! 01:52:53 Serge-Érik: Thanks, Stephane. 01:53:18 Edward Morawski: Great presentation! 01:53:22 Timothy: Remember when you had to get a patch for Windows 2000 for a higher encryption. 01:53:27 Tristan: Thank you Stephane 01:53:31 Tom Trottier: V NICE!