00:21:34 Mark Cayer: No BBQ expense this past year ... 00:22:40 Denis Therrien: How do we know that we are "in good standing" ;> 00:23:59 George Bowden: What does membership cost for Victorians 00:24:00 Karen W-G: how long is the Zoom subscription good for....expiry date? 00:24:00 Mark Cayer: If you do not get an e-mail from me "nagging" you to renew your membership you're good! 00:25:12 Mark Cayer: Our membership for new members is $20 abbually 00:26:51 Jocelyn Doire: Just in case you don't know yet, Mark Cayer is looking after the membership, for many, many years, Big Thanks Mark! 00:27:46 Mark Cayer: You're Welcome Joc 00:28:21 Mark Cayer: Thanks to Librasry presenters 00:34:22 Mark Cayer: What does a micro controller cost ...range?? 00:35:57 Bill Van Dijk: I work with PICs, and the bottom unit is as cheap as $0.50 00:38:43 Chris Taylor: @Mark - did he answer your question or do you want more details? 00:40:01 Mark Cayer: No I'm good. I was just curious what the ballpark cost was?? $8 for a camera is probably near the top end. 00:41:39 Bill Van Dijk: The camera he showed is an ad-on device. The chip is only the center of your design, you have to add stuff to make it do something you can interact with. 00:47:58 Stephane: Amazon ESP32-CAM $17.99 00:48:28 Stephane: Yes Amazon cdn 00:48:54 Jocelyn Doire: AliExpress has the ESP32-CAM for $1.03... 00:50:23 Tom Trottier: Can you run pfSense on it? 00:57:37 Jocelyn Doire: yes we see it 00:58:15 Jocelyn Doire: if you see the participant's face 01:00:30 Tom Trottier: What other uses do you have for your microcontrollers? 01:03:16 Chris Taylor: @Tom, it looks like he is about to answer your question. Let me know if you want additional info 01:04:40 Tom Trottier: 😁 01:06:40 Bill Van Dijk: Just for comparison, below is a small bit of ASEMBLY: 01:07:17 Bill Van Dijk: ;**** Interrupt routine ************************************************************************* _ISR MOVWF W_TEMP ; save off current W register contents SWAPF STATUS,W ; swap status register into W register MOVWF STATUS_TEMP ; save off contents of STATUS register SWAPF PCLATH,W ; swap pclath register into w register MOVWF PCLATH_TEMP ; save off contents of PCLATH register BTFSC PIR1,TMR1IF ; Did TMR1 overflow? CALL _T1_OVRFL ; if YES, decrease SECONDS by 1 BTFSC INTCON,INTF ; Did the external interrupt occur? CALL _SET_TIME ; if YES, do the set time routine _EXIT_INT SWAPF PCLATH_TEMP,W ; swap copy of PCLATH register into W MOVWF PCLATH ; swap pre-isr PCLATH register contents back SWAPF STATUS_TEMP,W ; swap a copy of STATUS register into W MOVWF STATUS ; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents SWAPF W_TEMP,F ; Swap contents of the saved W-TEMP SWAPF W_TEMP,W ; Swap copy of saved W back in place RETFIE ; return from interrupt (also 01:07:50 Bill Van Dijk: (looks better if you widen the chat box 01:08:38 Tom Trottier: I thot air pressure currently 1025hpa? 01:09:25 Tom Trottier: emperature: -10.1 °C Sea Level Pressure: 102.6 kPa / falling Wind: S 5 km/h Wind Chill: -13 Dew Point: -18.1 °C Relative Humidity: 52% Visibility: 24.1 km Last Observation: Wednesday, February 10 2021 20:00 EST 01:10:32 Tom Trottier: ah, all ok 01:13:58 Tom Trottier: so not operable < -127C...…... 01:15:02 Chris Taylor: :-) 01:16:01 Tom Trottier: So less useful on Perseverance... 01:18:56 Jocelyn Doire: does the web server takes resources away from the microcontroller for your other tasks, if yes, how much, if not, how does it works? Also, can you talk about the development software that you like to use. 01:19:34 Tom Trottier: pfsense is a firewall.... 01:19:56 Tom Trottier: Persevereance is Mars rover 01:21:11 Tom Trottier: What is RAM on these devices? Does machine code /binary get sent down? 01:25:07 Bill Van Dijk: RAM is volatile, machine code is what makes the thing run, and is loaded in flash. 01:31:07 Tom Trottier: 🤣 01:31:31 Jocelyn Doire: Static random-access memory (static RAM or SRAM) SRAM is volatile memory; data is lost when power is removed. The term static differentiates SRAM from DRAM which must be periodically refreshed. SRAM is faster and more expensive than DRAM 01:38:29 Tom Trottier: Cores! We need to return to magnetic cores! 01:39:32 Tom Trottier: https://www.wired.com/2010/05/0511magnetic-core-memory/ 01:43:44 Tom Trottier: Do you have to do Lots of soldering?