From: Bob Thomas
Subject: RE: Membership Report 2003/2/
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:39:23 -0500
FWIW, one slightly used T-Shirt!(193KB Picture)

Note that I included an OS/2 mouse pad in the shot.

Extract from the March 1993 minutes:
This meeting is being hosted by Microsoft as part of the North 
American introduction of MS-DOS 6.0. There will be a satellite linkup 
with Redmond, Washington. The equipment setup starts at 6:00 p.m. The 
SIGs will start at 7:30 p.m. Members may enter the auditorium starting 
at 8:15 p.m., while the public may not enter until 8:40 p.m. The 
presentation will be from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. We must be out of 
the school by 11:00 p.m.

Area: 0-Private e-mail
Message Number: 28117
Date: 09-10-02
From: Gabriel Laszlo
Subject: OPCUG's History

I enjoyed reading the club's history in the September 2002 newsletter. 
The second item has a question mark for the date, perhaps I can help.

As the saying goes, Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.  Well, I 
actually have the T-shirt.

It has an MS DOS design logo, and the following text in the front:

MARCH 30, 1993.


As you see, it was MS DOS 6, not DOS 5, that was presented but I 
believe that this is the meeting you referred to.

I am looking forward to the 20th anniversary in April 2003.

 Area: 17-History Submissions    Message Number: 2    Date: 09-11-02

>? Microsoft presents DOS 5, and attracts the largest crowd ever.

The above note from the newsletter may not be quite correct.

I came. I saw. I doubled
at the world's largest
PC Users Group Meeting
March 30, 1993

That's what the T-shirt says.

I think that OPCUG was patched into a multi-centre tele/videoconference 
for the release of the new operating system. Microsoft certainly had a 
pallet of boxes of the upgrade version of MS-DOS 6 and handed one copy 
out to every person in attendance.

 Area: 17-History Submissions   Message Number: 6    Date: 09-21-02
That meeting was held at Sir Robert Borden and filled the 500+ seat
auditorium. As an added benefit Microsoft placed a fishbowl on the
table where they were handing out the free copies of DOS-6. The deal 
was for every dollar the meeting attendees donated Microsoft would 
match it and we could name the charity it was to go to. I seem to 
recall that the Charity Foundation of Ottawa ended up $2,000+ richer 
that evening.

 Area: BOD
 Date: Mon 24/02/2003 10:24 AM
 From: Harald Freise
If my memory serves me correctly... the DOS 6  event was jointly 
orchestrated by Microsoft and the OPCUG and we invited just about 
anyone that would listen. One of the incentives was that DOS 6 would 
be given away at the meeting to members and that wasn't really a 
secret. Of course we had no way of controlling the actual event but 
it did, in fact, bolster our membership.

 Area: BOD Date: Mon 24/02/2003 10:25 AM
 From: Bob Gowan
The SIGs were held before the main event that night and OPCUG members 
were given first access to the auditorium - before the doors were 
open to the general public. Everyone was asked to fill out an evaluation
form and returning that got you a free copy of DOS 6 as you filed out 
of the auditorium. Obviously the connection with this event was a good 
draw. Why not spend $25 on a membership when there were events being 
held that might get you a product worth several times the annual fee !!

 Area: BOD
 Date: Mon 24/02/2003 2:16 PM
 From: Mark Cayer
If memory serves me correctly we also placed a fishbowl out and asked 
for donations to the Community Foundation. Hey ya got software for 
nuthin.... Ya gotta be able to toss in a buck'r'2!!

Turned out that Microsoft matched our donations for a total of some 
2 or 3 thousand bucks I think.

 Area: BOD
 Date: Mon 24/02/2003 7:24 PM
 From: Harald Freise
Microsoft did indeed match
the funds donated that night by our fundraising efforts. The money 
collected on that night continues to grow in the Community Foundation. 
I believe that the total was over 3500.00

 Area: BOD
 Date: Mon 24/02/2003 10:17 PM
 From: Bill van Dijk
Wasn't there also a TV screen set up with Bill himself making some 
announcements? Version 6.0 did not last long, I seem to recall it was 
Stacker that sued MS. for patent infringement. I think they ended up 
buying them up at version 6.33 or something like that.

 Area: BOD
 Date: Mon 24/02/2003 10:44 PM
 From: Harald Freise
It was a live satellite link direct from Redmond. Microsoft came up 
with the whole thing and had it set up at Sir Robert Borden High 
School. I remember that we had to do some fast talking with the 
principal and the Board of Education to allow us to interrupt the 
daily schedule of the school.

Stacker did eventually successfully sue Microsoft.

I seem to remember that Microsoft quickly developed DOS v6.20 with 
a revised version of dblspace.bin as a fast fix using their own 
compression algorithm then ultimately DOS v6.22 with drvspace.bin.

I think that we legally (with their permission, thanks to Chris T.) 
posted those upgrades on the Pub.

 Area: BOD
 Date: Tue 25/02/2003 10:03 AM
 From: Bob Gowan
Wasn't it Fifth Dimension that provided the multimedia display 

It was quite a setup for that era - big picture - big sound. Some 
simulcast locations had two way transmission - interviews with user 
group members.

As I recall, we had promos by the local Microsoft reps - Bob Scowcroft 
et al, before (or was it after) the show went live.