Certificates of Appreciation - April 14, 2003

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Pictures taken by Bob Thomas. Chris Taylor's certificate and picture made by Bert Schopf, and the other certificates made by Brigitte Lord.

Certificates of Appreciation

John Archibald for reviewing the books of the OPCUG for many years
John Keys for maintaining the Reviews section of the OPCUG Web site
Mark Cayer for taking care of Membership duties
Hans Hageraats for helping with membership duties
Chris Taylor's Certificate of Recognition
Chris Taylor's Certificate of Recognition on laser engraved wood

Certificate of Appreciation and "Roasting" of Chris Taylor

With Harald Freise, Eric Clyde, Bob Walker, Chris Taylor, Harry Gross, Claude Jarry, Bert Schopf, Tim Mahoney and Mark Cayer

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Signature of Chris Taylor's Certificate of Appreciation at the 20th

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Raxco Presentation

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