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2003 Newsletters
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Beginners' Workshop 2003 a Success; Orphans' SIG - Word from the Interim Coordinator; SpamKiller; Accessing PUB II - Part 3; Rewind...

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ContextConvert Pro v1.3; Announcing New Conference Area - "AtLength"; Digital Imaging; Ottawa PC Users’ Group Beginners’ Workshop; Accessing PUB II - Part 2 - The Web; 2004 Elections; Rewind...

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OPCUG Beginners' Workshop; Macromedia Introduces Next Generation of MX; Adjusting your Level 2 Cache Setting; Accessing PUB II; Wanna swap?; Rewind...

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CD Finder Pro: "a thing of beauty"; Orphans' SIG Announcement; PUB Crawl - Encryption Software; Rewind...

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UltraMon 2.1; Alpha Five Database Special Interest Group Forming; Universal Document Converter - A JPG "Printer"; Here's to you, Chris!

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Recover4All Professional; A New Home for the PIG (Wing) SIG; The Second Annual OPCUG BBQ; Presenters and Topics Wanted; So... What Do You Actually Do With a Computer?

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OPCUG History Page; Delphi SIG Revival; PerfectDisk 2000; Word from the New Editor; Windows XP; Dial-up Access to The PUB

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Sunbelt Remote Administrator; Minimize Outlook 2002 to the System Tray; Databases - Getting Down and Dirty; Rewind...; Beginners' Workshop; OPCUG 2002 Balance Sheet

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Proxomitron; Computer History Event ; Can Outlook be Secured?; Dare to Database?; Election Report for 2003; Historical Trivia Night; Rewind...; Diskeeper 7.0; Declining Membership

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FTP Server over Dynamic IP; CPU History Surf; Meeting Dates 2003; Newsletter Production Notes; President's Report for 2002; Spamming a spammer; How to own the Internet in your spare time; Rewind...; HUGO History; V 0.0 - "Buy the Latest Version..."; Hunt for Historical Photos


Recent newsletters are available as full-colour PDF files with hot links to on-line content.

Earlier issues were produced by scanning black-and-white hard copies and converting the resulting images to PDF. Some of these latter files were further processed using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to produce smaller, and often easier to read, PDF files. The content of some newsletters is also available in text file (TXT) format.

To get the current newsletter by email, you will need to sign up for our OPCUG-Newsletter Google Group.