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1997 Newsletters
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Technical support: Microsoft Knowledge Base; Scanning the scanners; October meeting review: Corel paints a great picture!; News and reviews; Future of the newsletter; Election notice: OPCUG Board of Directors; OPCUG annual swap meet; Creative Labs Video Blaster WebCam; Hockey at it's best, NHL 98

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Intel; Microsoft Office 97: caveat emptor; DTP SIG; Road trips: Door to Door; Tiny computers or toys?


The future of the OPCUG; Report from the OPCUG Core Strategy Development Committee; OPCUG Core Strategy Development Committee Report to the board of directors July 31, 1997; Future of The PUB; The case of the disappearing Modem; Partition Magic; Trials & tribulations of a DTP publication; DriveCopy

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Office97 from New Deal Inc.; Sneak Preview of Paradox Vers. 8; Review of the May 1997 Meeting of the I SIG; Trapping Workshop Review; Frame-It; Rama, A strategic adventure Game

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Troubleshooting the net; News and reviews; Java by Example; Chris Biber on Office Applications for the Java Platform; The I-SIG Link; May presentation : Update on Web authoring and site management; Go International!; April meeting review

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The PUB in review; Lotus SmartSuite 97; Wanted: WEB master for the OPCUG; Audit of accounts; Computer hardware security; First Aid 95 Deluxe; Review of the March meeting; April I-SIG presentation; Black mark; News and reviews: Borland Database Engine (BDE); Developers' SIG meeting; Norton Antivirus


Safeguarding the Windows 95 Registry; Superprint, by Zenographics; I-SIG March presentation: Paul Blakely on Netscape plug-ins; Review of February's presentation; Disk of the Month program cancelled; Galactic Civilizations; It's 11:00 p.m.: Do you know where your computer is?; Thanks to Wackid Radio


Chairman's Report; Beginners' SIG - A new beginning; Treasurer's report for 1996; Replacing your C: drive; Announcement: Annual General Meeting; News and reviews; I-SIG February presentation; January review: Excellent presentations at members' Show & Tell; February meeting: Corel Ventura - Power Publishing


Reinstalling Windows 95; The digital camera's eye; News and reviews; FOX SIG; December review: Tektronix demystifies colour printers; I-SIG January presentation: Web authoring and Web-site management; December presentation review: VivaTexte; Putting on the pressure


Recent newsletters are available as full-colour PDF files with hot links to on-line content.

Earlier issues were produced by scanning black-and-white hard copies and converting the resulting images to PDF. Some of these latter files were further processed using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to produce smaller, and often easier to read, PDF files. The content of some newsletters is also available in text file (TXT) format.

To get the current newsletter by email, you will need to sign up for our OPCUG-Newsletter Google Group.