1996 Newsletters |
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Seminars at the National Museum of Science and Technology; Modulation with U.S. Robotics; Reviews and news;
I-SIG November presentation - Lindsay Fraser-Fazakas on "Building Successful Web Sites";
December I-SIG meeting: VivaTEXTE; Desktop publishing SIG news; CorelDRAW 5.0: obsolete or a 16-bit classic?
Fixing broken windows; National Museum of Science and Technology Seminar Series; Microsoft 97 Land Beckons;
CorelDRAW 7 and Corel VENTURA 7; Election Notice: OPCUG Board of Directors; Desktop Publishing SIG;
Review of September's presentation: Peter Robinson on Corel Web Graphics Suite and More;
Review of October's presentation: Paul Theriault on Adobe Products and the World Wide Web; Annual swapmeet
Optimizing Vcache; Modem auction; How suite is it?; OS/2: next generation; Work like a Pro with Word for Windows 95;
DTP SIG meetings; Disk of the month #122;
Quick View Plus for Windows 95; You're on the air; Member discount(s); I-SIG logo contest; DTP SIG: Show and tell report;
Disk of the month #121
Intel Pentium Overdrive Processor; Paradox SIG - Paradox supports SQL and the Internet; Lotus and Borland together;
Field Guide to the Internet with Windows 95; Villeneuve-A Racing Legend; Disk of the month #119;
UNEXPO Computer Fair & Sale; DTP SIG Roundup - Show & tell in May
Windows 95 - Miscellaneous bits; Microsoft's Internet strategy and new products; Paradox Users Group - February Meeting:
Paradox tricks and techniques; Fox SIG - Mastering Visual FoxPro: CDROM-based training from Microsoft; I-SIG logo contest;
I-SIG: February's Internet SIG Meeting; Ontario Computer Fairs; Newsletter submissions
Chairman’s Report ‘95; 1995 Annual Financial Report; The season for colds and viruses; Paradox 7: full 32 bit DBMS for
Windows 95 and Windows NT; PUB stats for 1995; DTP SIG - Review for 1995; Member savings and specials; I- SIG Meetings,
meetings...; January’s Disk of the month
Windows 95 hints and tips; Using the Internet in Your Job Search; Tim Taylor’s PC; The Internet IRC network —
a beginner’s journey; Members helping members; Ozone Filter?; Executive Re-elected by Acclamation!
I-SIG: January meeting of the I-SIG
Recent newsletters are available as full-colour PDF files with hot links to on-line content.
Earlier issues were produced by scanning black-and-white hard copies and converting the resulting images to PDF. Some of these latter files were further processed using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to produce smaller, and often easier to read, PDF files. The content of some newsletters is also available in text file (TXT) format.
To get the current newsletter by email, you will need to sign up for our OPCUG-Newsletter Google Group.